Almost a month ago, I conducted a heart to heart talk with Dr. Sumanvitha Bodavula in a proper introverts’ meet- greet format. There were no calls involved, just 10 questions in the form of texts. This format might sound very impersonal, but then we have always loved living on the edge, very quietly.

1) Please introduce yourself and what you do.

🫕Hello everyone !! I’m Sumanvitha a.k.a Suma., a.k.a Keerthi’s best friend. I have completed my masters degree in Healthcare administration and currently I am actively looking for employment.

2) You have always been really passionate about cooking. May I know since when you have been interested in the same and why?

🫕I will have to give you the most generic answer you could think of. My mom and both my grandmothers are amazing cooks. Everyone loved their food and watching them cook made me really intrigued and eventually when I moved to live in a hostel, my cooking journey began and I haven’t stopped since.

3) According to you, who would you say is the best cook you have known/met till now? What is their speciality dish that has forever remained in your heart?

🫕Hands down, my mom. If you know me, you would know my love for sweets and deserts. My mom makes the best Gulab Jamun I’ve eaten and writing about it here is making me crave it so much more. My mom used to look up recipes and put so much effort into making any food just as we siblings like. So, every simple dish she prepares is really special.

4) As your roommate during our Undergraduate days, I have seen you meticulously planning for every meal from the scratch. Has this whole process gotten modified, now that you have moved to the USA?

🫕 I would say it has gotten modified, but quite on the worse side. Don’t get me wrong but living here in the USA, accessibility to GOOD Indian food is next to impossible. Even the best of the best restaurants can’t match any of our authentic Indian food (at least not in Connecticut), so for me the best way to satisfy our cravings is to cook the food we crave, so the planning has increased and the number of recipes I cook have grown too.

5) Which particular dish reminds you of family back home?

🫕Simple homemade pickles. The instant pickles that my grandma makes are so hearty; especially with hot rice and little bit of ghee. I’m almost there in recreating those but never as perfect as what she makes.

6) What is the most exotic or unusual dish you have ever tried, and how did it taste?

🫕The most exotic dish I have tasted would have to be Lobster. I might get a lot of hate saying this but I did not like it as much as I was supposed to. It was very bland and did not suit our Indian palate. While some might call it an art, I found it really difficult to eat. It was so.. can I say too technical to eat? Me and my friends got some specialised tools to break the shell. We being the amateurs that we were, found it quite challenging to eat.

7) If you could only eat one kind of fruit/vegetable/meat for life, what would it be?

🫕Cherries no… Potatoes,no ..Brinjal … You being YOU had to include this question in here didn’t you ?! I am very indecisive as you can already see, so I can’t and won’t limit myself to one dish 😉. However if I had to, it would probably be one of the above mentioned.

8) If you swapped bodies with a master chef participant, what would you serve Gordon Ramsay to make him mad?

🫕I would probably make a very Indianized version of his famous Beef Wellington with Chicken or Veggies instead of Beef just to irk him. But again I might end up in tears listening to him swear 🥲

9) Have you ever had any epic fail while cooking that literally brought you down on your knees on your kitchen floor, dejected?

🫕Yes. Of course. I am not a professional, so failure in the kitchen is quite common to anyone I would say. I have had failures but none of them ended up being quite inedible- so I would consider that a win. One such recent failure would be trying to bake a proper bakery style cake and I failed miserably at that. The cake in itself tasted delicious but I just couldn’t get the frosting right. It was such a disaster. I ended up covering it with strawberries to make it look somewhat presentable.

10) Last question. What is your current favourite food that you would suggest everyone to try, which not many have heard of?

🫕For me, authentic Indian food remains as my ultimate favorite. However I can suggest a few dishes or appetizers that I have had around here and found them quite good. For vegetarians, I think you guys would love the spicy Korean mozzarella corn dog. I had it once but it was absolutely delicious. And for non-vegetarians, I would say fried Calamari. This is one of the very first things I tried after coming to the United States, and pretty much loved it .

🍛Source of questions –


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