Wedded to the thoughts of trains and tracks

It was enchanting to watch the trains from the overhead bridge, the slender diesel- driven/ electric giants that expeditiously carry you to your destination- Himachal and Hogwarts alike. You could see the elaborate network of the railway tracks criss-crossing and separating yet again to reveal a giant lone standing red light. Some kids in shorts and pale t-shirts were always running alongside the train on the muddy ground below, vigorously waving at the passengers yet maintaining a graceful distance from the surrounding turbulent aerodynamics. You would also wave, as you wanted to play an enthusiastic part of whatever that was going on below, establishing a temporal connection with the journey of thousands of others travelling right then and there. The bridge would rattle as the train below escaped at such a laudable acceleration that it was purely exhilarating. You would giddily run to the opposite side of the bridge to catch a glimpse of the tail end of the  train- where the guard would be vigorously flashing a bright green light away from you. Very soon you could barely hear the airhorn from where you stood, as it would become a distant dream fading into oblivion. Promises would then be made right there and would be expected to be honoured.

So the next time you are on a train and happen to pass under an overhead bridge in the broad daylight, take a break from all the reading you have been catching up on and smile ear to ear. The overturned book in your lap shall patiently wait for you in solitude as you shyly give into a moment of childlike glee, flushing your face with all kinds of pink. You are reminded of how young you were. And you feel young yet again.

7 responses to “Wedded to the thoughts of trains and tracks”

  1. So fun I love this! I used to spend a ton of time on the tracks as a youth. It turns my heart to read your words on the subject remember my youth and the time I spent there feeling as though I must revisit those old places under the bridge and next time bring a book that will fulfill the experience.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a beautiful piece of writing that captures the nostalgia and wonder of train journeys. I enjoyed reading it and I appreciate your sharing it with me. 😊

    You have a talent for describing scenes and emotions with vivid details and poetic language. I especially liked the phrases “slender diesel-driven/electric giants”, “a temporal connection with the journey of thousands of others”, and “a moment of childlike glee”.

    Liked by 2 people

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