Fire with its limitless guts-

It was a Saturday afternoon. Emotions ran high and hunger pangs were at it again. All it needed was just an inkling by a dull red matchstick to start a small fire at first. In the presence of fuel in the form of dry firewood from the mighty oak, the flames soon rose high from the deepest pits of the earth below. The ravaging fire bellowed accusingly in an infrasonic pitch, with the heat distorting the surroundings in the eyes of the beholder with its turbulent radiation.

The slow combustion of firewood first glowed a dull yellow, then slowly transitioned into a bright amber. A thin wisp of smoke rose high above the flames, managing to escape the broiling clutches of dirt below towards the open sky through the pompous perils of mankind. Ablaze in all its glory against the grey skies, it managed to draw attention from everything above and below.

As soon as the food was served hot, we eliminated the resplendent fire by starving off its propellant and huddled around to witness it die. It slowly changed from the glowing amber to smoulder violently in the form of bright violet flames. It glared through the charred wood and soot, resembling millions of sparkling shiny, warm violet crystals; only to be consumed by the same. Towards the end, it shone brighter than all the stars in the sky collectively for one last time and left behind a beautiful message in the form of dark charred remains of its agitated life.

At its prime, the fire managed to blindfold everyone in the room and etch a ferociously vibrant image of its vicious necessity into everyone’s retina. It made its way to our empty souls through our bellies, but evoked a caustic roar from the deepest bowels of the earth and momentarily pushed us closest to the sun. The invincible ignorance fallacy that we showcase in an attempt to simplify our lives all burn down to a simple imperishable flame that lets us search within ourselves for something in the vast nothingness. We are the vacant minds with the incinerated remains of formerly existing hearts. We do love playing with fire and love grumbling about everything at any given point of time.

11 responses to “Fire with its limitless guts-”

    • Ooh I am glad you asked! It has a layered meaning. Ignorance fallacy in general is about assuming a statement to be true or false based on lack of evidence. But this particular lack of evidence pushes us to do something or the other that might simplify our lives- it could mean the invention of fire which was also born out of experimenting. Based on that invention, we realised it can be constructive or destructive; based on how we use that knowledge. The second part of the same sentence evolves into fire that we have inside of all of us- you can call it motivation, passion, eagerness etc to learn or understand something. They in turn move us further from the ignorance, thus inching further towards understanding nature and oneselves. In simple terms, we all are inherently ignorant until we face the fire. And it is upto us how we utilise this fire for our growth.
      Thank you so much for reading and asking this brilliant question! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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  1. Precise and simple.
    When invented, mankind glorified fire(ABLAZE IN ALL GLORY ….), putting it out after the food was served hot (served its purpose).
    Last para- WHEN IT WAS IN ITS PRIME…. (burnt everything)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes you are right! The first time I saw such a huge flame at one of the ceremonies, I was just so fascinated yet terrified by it. Hence thought of writing this particular post detailing its confusing aspect.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

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